Parent Opinion Survey-Revised and Online

Parent Opinion Survey-Revised and Online
Posted on 05/17/2021

The Parent Opinion Survey has been revised and is now online. All parents of students in grades K12 should complete a survey using a computer or mobile device. Families should submit one survey
for each child. Previously only parents of students in one grade per school were expected to
complete a survey. However, this year the survey is open to all parents for grades kindergarten through twelfth grade.

Parent Online Opinion Survey
This is the link to the online Parent Opinion Survey:
Schools will administer their surveys beginning April 12, 2021 and ending on June 1, 2021.
The link has already been shared and sent to parents with the student's report cards.
Please inform the school if you need access to a computer or mobile device in order to complete the survey and we will be glad to assist.

Student Teacher Parent Survey Information Letter.doc